10 Simple ways to Lose Weight

Searching for simple ways to lose weight? You girls are pretty and you always believed in yourself till the time you put on some extra weight.

Yes, I know this “extra” is somehow or the other making you lose your confidence as well. Don’t think I’ll just advice you to visit your nearest gym for hours to lose weight.

Ahhh...yes I know in this busy world no one has the time to take proper care of herself. But you can always try on some easy tips by taking out a little time from your busy schedule to lose weight.

So here I’ve brought for you pretty girls some simple ways to lose weight by which you can lose weight rather than your confidence.

Just read and follow these simple ways to lose weight.

  1. Take a glass of warm water, add lime to it with a pinch of honey. Consume this every day in the morning, empty stomach. This regulates the metabolism of our body and thereby helping you to lose weight.

2. Start having oatmeal or protein meals rather than the heavy parathas on your plates. This helps you control your calorie intake thereby help you to lose weight.

  1. To lose weight start avoiding cold drinks and sodas…as in many kinds of research conducted worldwide these have proven to be responsible for increasing the weight of individuals.
  2. Say No to fried food…Yes, you heard that right. Just say NOOO!! to lose weight. Replace all the fried snacks in your routine with a healthy intake of lots of fruits and vegetables as they have high fiber and water contents in them.
  3. In spite of taking three heavy meals a day, to lose weight start consuming five to six smaller meals with fewer calories at regular intervals.
  4. Good and sound sleep can prove wonders in the process to lose weight. If you get a proper 8-hour sleep every day, you develop a good metabolism and thereby resulting in losing weight.
  5. Drink lot of water every day so that every now and then you stop starving for hunger additionally high water intake is also helpful in losing weight.
  6. Rather than talking Escalators and elevators start using stairs. The more you walk is the more you lose weight. So in spite of taking these shortcuts to reach any place, take some time and use the stairs.
  7. Start avoiding that “extra” ghee on your chapatis, that “extra” butter on your parathas and that “extra” cheese on your pizzas…..avoiding these some little “extra” things will help you to lose weight.
  8. Never ever think of skipping a meal to lose weight. When you skip a meal and stay hungry for long…it results in taking more calories in the next one!

Hope all you pretty girls enjoyed my first post in our new category- LIFESTYLE and will definitely follow these simple ways to lose weight and regain your confidence by losing the “extra” weight.

I’ll be again back with other appealing and useful posts related to lose weight on lifestyle soon. So just keep visiting our page, do like us on Facebook if not done yet and yes be ready to live a stress-free life with us.

Write us your suggestions and comments about these simple ways to lose weight. Just anything you feel like.

Till then take care and as I always say Sayonara!!

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