TOP 10 DON’Ts for Tourists in Miami

Miami is a magic city for tourists. People look at their friends’ pictures and think they will have the most enjoyable vacation. But it can happen that reality differs from what you have in fact.

Miami is a place where tourists think they can do everything they want to. Why not? Car rental MIA gives you unlimited opportunities for discovering the city and suburbs.

Of course, the list of activities is long. But there are things you SHOULDN’T DO in Miami.

Are you surprised? Read more about it!

DON’Ts in Miami

  1. Don’t think that locals party all the time

Do you think that Miamians party all the time?

Miami pictures and images show us crazy tourists, having a party here and there, including pool parties, beach parties, night clubs, and street festivals. It’s all about tourists, not locals.

Locals have to work every day so you shouldn’t expect your local friends will accompany you every night.

  1. Don’t come in time

Are you used to come in time for dinners and meetings?

Miami is a city of relaxation. Time goes slowly here. Don’t be fast! 15 minutes late is ok here! So, don’t be surprised if you arrange an appointment and your friend is late.

  1. Don’t forget about skin protection

It is not a secret that Miami is a sunny city. The temperature is really hot here the year round. Locals don’t stay in the sun.

They come to the beach in the evening or early in the morning to run along the seaside. Don’t stay in the sun unprotected. The sun can burn you to a crisp for an hour! So, going outside or even meeting with your friends in the restaurant, use sunscreens.

  1. Everglades is not the best place for tourists. Don’t go there in summer!

Are you going to visit the Everglade Park? Of course, all tourists want. It is not recommended to go there in summer. The air is really hard to breather. You become sweaty and sticky very fast.

What is more, try to avoid mosquitos. Summer is not the best time for walking in the everglades when the temperature goes up to 100–105° Fahrenheit. Wait for the winter coming.

  1. Don’t drive inexperienced

Of course, local rental services will give you the best car on your request. But don’t drive inexperienced. The city is always overcrowded and noisy, like from the popular game Crazy Taxi. Cars go here and there and everywhere without warning. Forget about red lights and road rules. You can take taxi or just buy the car insurance when renting a car.

  1. Don’t surf during in stormy weather

Surfing is a very popular activity in Miami. People from all over the world come to Miami to catch the wave! There are many surfing schools along the beach for newcomers and experienced travelers.

The water is normally calm. But stormy weather often comes and the city shuts down during these days. Otherwise, nobody will come to save your life. The hurricane winds make people stay away from the sea.

  1. Don’t walk around Wynwoodat night

Wynwood is a popular entertaining district in Miami. The bright bars, graffiti walls make you stay here till night. But if you want to walk around the district at night, it can be the craziest thing you can do.

Don’t even park your car in this desert and quiet territory. Just go home! You can watch the stars from the hotel’s room.

  1. Don’t argue with locals that Miami Beach is actually Miami

Don’t say that Miami Beach is Miami already. Not at all! Locals know that Miami Beach is a small island where people come to spend time, surf, entertain.

Miami is a city, situated in the mainland, where people live and work. Don’t argue with locals about it. Just enjoy your time!

  1. Don’t forget to explore the city suburbs

Don’t stay in the city for long. Miami and Miami Beach are not the only places to see. Pay attention to the charming neighborhoods. They are worth your attention.

Where to go?

You can go to see the Coral Gables or Coconut Grove. You can go even farther to meet Cuban culture and visit Little Havana. Of course, you need a car to travel around. You’d better rent it in Miami on arrival.

  1. Don’t waste money for museums

Miami is a popular city for visiting. But it is not a cultural or historical place as Rome or New York. There are many museums in the city but, actually, they are not worth wasting money if you are a budget traveler.

Don’t expect to see monumental relics here! Just go to Miami Beach and spend your quality time there.

Miami is a unique place to visit. People associate it with year-round summer and surfing, beach hotels and crazy parties. Nevertheless, don’t forget there are things you shouldn’t do in Miami. Remember them!

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