Top 7 Tips to Get Your Baby to Sleep on the Plane

There are a couple of really cool tips to get your baby to sleep on the plane. These tips are especially helpful if you’re about to take your little bundle of joy on their very first flight! Stop stressing of there’s an infant airplane seat or sky baby mattress.

You also don’t need to get into debates about baby sleep plane medication. There is no absolute need to use medicine to make baby sleep on the plane.

Also, don’t cancel flights just because you’re worried you won’t be able to make your baby sleep on the plane. Plenty of these below-mentioned useful tips to get your baby to sleep on the plane will do just fine.

Have a look at some of the best tips to get your baby to sleep on the plane listed below.

How to Get Your Baby to Sleep on the Plane:

So, you know how to book cheap flights but not how to make baby sleep on the plane?

Don’t fret; these tips to get your baby to sleep on the plane will help you even if making an unplanned trip on some.

Don’t fret over having to use baby medicine on an airplane if you aren’t comfortable with that option. Several parents do just fine without the aid of medicine to make baby sleep on the plane.

Check out the follow tips and learn the easiest ways to make baby sleep on the plane.

  1. Ask for a bassinet

This is the best baby bed for plane travels. Most airlines won’t charge you any fare for kids under 2. This is where airplane baby bassinets come in handy.

They allow you to keep your baby safe and comfortable throughout the flight journey.

However, many will not allow you to book airplane baby bassinets online either. You’ll need to book over the phone and ask for a baby bed for the plane journey.

Certain airlines will require you to hold your baby during turbulence. So, check with the airlines when booking the airplane baby bassinet.

  1. Make seat choices carefully

Seat selection is the key to having a comfortable flight journey with babies. Booking a good seat is among the best tips to get your baby to sleep on the plane.

Remember that the back of the airplane is far less-crowded and near to the restrooms. This will allow you easy diaper-changes.

If you’re booking an airplane baby bassinet instead of flying with your infant on the lap, you will need to get a bulkhead seat. Window seats will offer more privacy if you need to breastfeed your baby.

However, it will be difficult to get in and out of the seat with your infant.

  1. Make it a night flight

Booking red-eye flights are among the best tips to get your baby to sleep on the plane. Generally less-crowded, early morning flights are the way to go when traveling with babies.

People will be quieter on the flight as pretty much everyone will want to get some shut-eye. Your baby will also be easier to put to sleep especially if he/she was awake for the most part of the day.

A bonus will be if you can book business class flights for the trip. There will more space and service will be that much better when traveling in business class.

  1. Get an inflatable travel bed

Can a baby sleep on the floor of the plane? Yes, in some cases.

If you buy an inflatable travel bed for your baby, you will be able to make them sleep a lot more comfortable. This is among the best tips to get your baby to sleep on the plane.

An inflatable baby bed for the plane will help you put your baby to sleep during the flight. Depending on the style and size, the bed can be put on the floor or carried on the lap as your baby naps away.

This is a good option for those unable to book airplane baby bassinets.

  1. White noise and baby sleep pillow spray

Using a baby sleep pillow spray comes highly recommended among the tips to get your baby to sleep on the plane. Many travelers claim that the familiar scent makes their baby nod off that much faster.

The same is the case with white noise. Make a recording of the sounds your baby is used to. Playing these on the flight will enable the baby to sleep better. It will also help protect them from sudden loud noises that might wake them up.

  1. Follow a normal routine

This is among the topmost tips to get your baby to sleep on the plane. Mimicking familiarity and following the daily routine as far as possible will help your baby sleep on the flight much better.

Feed and change them before the flight so you will need to do it less often during the journey. Dress them in whatever they usually wear so that they’re more comfortable.

Carry the blanket they are used to as well as any stuffed toy they may sleep with.

  1. Don’t panic if your baby cries

Despite following these tips to get your baby to sleep on the plane, there are chances your baby might start bawling.

However, no matter where you’re flying to on international flights, the chances of your baby crying all through the journey are less. Remember, NEVER PANIC in such an event. Flying with babies isn’t easy.

Check the usual culprits – does the diaper need changing, is the baby hungry, etc. Don’t let annoyed co-passengers bring your spirits down and do your best to calm your baby.

If you are relaxed, your baby will relax too. Just breathe and do your best.

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